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Global Search For Missing Beatles Guitar Worth €11 Million

Have you seen the most important bass guitar in history?

A guitar which was used for the recordings of “Love Me Do”, “She Loves You” and “Twist and Shout” has triggered a worldwide search.

Sir Paul McCartney guitar: Global search for Beatles star's missing '£10m' bass | Ents & Arts News | Sky News

The search is under way to find Sir Paul McCartney’s missing Beatles 1961 Höfner guitar which he bought for only €30 and could reportedly now be worth more than €11 million!

The Hofner 500/1 electric bass was reputedly purchased by Beatles singer McCartney in 1961 from a shop in Hamburg and was his “favorite.”

Tracking Down Beatle History: Paul McCartney's Missing Hofner Bass Guitar - News -

That same year, he sang it in Berlin’s Top Ten Club, Liverpool’s Cavern Club, and on the Beatles’ first recordings at the famed Abbey Road Studios.

McCartney then set it aside for several years until picking it up again in early 1969 while the band was in London recording the Get Back/Let It Be sessions.

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