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Your AI Sliema Girl Personal Assistant, Tina, Launched By Comedy Knights

For this holiday season, the Comedy Knights are pleased to introduce “Tina,” a cutting-edge artificial intelligence personal assistant that perfectly captures the distinct personality of Sliema, in collaboration with IT guru Sean Ellul.

This cutting-edge digital companion, which combines humor, local culture, and technology, is released in light of the forthcoming Comedy Knights show, “HA HA HA XI“.

Show producer Wesley Ellul stated that, “Tina is a breakthrough in digital entertainment, bringing the charm of our Sliema girls into the digital realm.”

Using their live chat on Facebook Messenger, users can engage with Tina via ChatGPT Plus or the Comedy Knights website.

Tina is available to assist you with any tasks or questions in her own Sliema girl manner, whether it’s deciding which Christmas show to watch or how to break up with your partner on Boxing Day. If you just need a little company for the holidays, she can also be your virtual companion. Still beware, as she may be sassy, but few can claim to be more sliema than her.

Additionally, Tina is assisting the Comedy Knights team in putting on “The Comedy Knights: HA HA HA XI,” their most recent holiday extravaganza supported by Bay Easy.

The starting price for tickets to “HA HA HA XI” is simply €10. You can get them via or by clicking this link.

What’s the first thing you would ask Tina?

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